About Us

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where everyone, regardless of personal circumstances, has access to healthy, nutritious food.

Our Mission

Our mission is to alleviate food insecurity in the Scottish Borders by creating a network of local food production and encouraging people to seek out locally produced food.

What We Do

Abundant Borders works within our community to create a network of community food gardens across the Scottish Borders. The community food gardens are a training base for people to learn how to grow food in a sustainable way and then how to turn that food into healthy, inexpensive meals. Our aim is that everyone, regardless of personal circumstances, should have access to healthy, nutritious food.

That is a pretty bold mission, but since 2016 we have been able to achieve much more. We believe that we have developed a model which has the power to transform the lives of individuals and communities and to tackle social isolation.

From a practical point of view, we teach up to 15 people at a time the skills needed to grow their own food. Many don’t have access to garden space, so we base the training on a piece of community land. These small pieces of land, previously underused or derelict are turned into productive use for community benefit.

Knowing how to grow food is only part of the picture so we then teach how to cook healthy, inexpensive meals from the food grown or sourced locally.

The final piece of the jigsaw is long-term support for participants, volunteers and the community. Having created a community food garden as part of the food growing course, participants can stay engaged with and continue to work in the garden. Some of the people involved have little hope of full or even part-time employment so access to local volunteering opportunities is crucial.

Our Values

Growing Communities Together
Abundant Borders is committed to working with trainees, volunteers, partners and communities so that
together we can work to eliminate food insecurity in the Scottish Borders.

Learning and Development
Abundant Borders affirms that we are all learners and is committed to encouraging the development of skills,
knowledge and self-confidence.

Opportunities for All

Abundant Borders recognises that there is inequality in access to food and the land on which to grow food, which contributes to food insecurity and is fully committed to ensuring that everyone, regardless of background, has access to healthy, nutritious food.

Earth Care

Abundant Borders is committed to care for the environment in line with the principles of permaculture; the
provision for all life systems to continue and multiply, because without a healthy earth, humans cannot

Valuing All

Abundant Borders assert that we will work to bring people together from diverse backgrounds and provide a courteous and non-discriminatory service by working to ensure that trustees, management team, trainees and volunteers treat each other, and are treated, with respect.

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