Strategic Plan 2021-2024

2020 was our first year as a SCIO and represented the final year of our first strategic plan. We have delivered a huge range of projects and delivered positive outcomes for volunteers, members partners and funders. In April 2020 we were full of optimism and ready to leap into a full programme of activities for the 2020 growing season.

We all know what happened next. Thanks to the positivity and professionalism of our team we have been able to keep the community gardens open; growing food for our communities and supporting many who would otherwise have been isolated at home.

We have taken learning online, making courses freely available to hundreds of people across the region, and we will do more of this in the coming months and years. It is at times like these that we need vibrant, grass-roots, community led organisations like Abundant Borders.

Our second strategic plan sets out our future direction for the next three year period and builds upon our strong place in our communities.

Our 2021-23 Strategic Plan can be viewed here.

Over the next three years we will:

  • Increase community food growing through community garden
  • Encourage people to cook healthy meals from ingredients that they can grow
  • Work with national and local agencies to increase access to healthy, local, affordable food
  • Support communities in creating social food events, e.g., lunch clubs
  • Develop additional learning opportunities, including the introduction of SVQ level training
  • Increase the social enterprise opportunities for the organisation
  • Seek land on which to site new offices as a base from which the organisation can grow. A move to permanent office space will allow long-term and succession planning
  • Seek land on which to build a polytunnel to maximise food growing and training opportunities
  • Investigate the potential to create direct job opportunities within Abundant Borders for those gaining qualifications and training,

Our 2021-23 Strategic Plan can be viewed here. If you feel you might want to volunteer some time to help us to deliver on these bold aims, please do get in touch via email to


Our Strategic Plan for 2017-2020 can be viewed HERE

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